Ready, Set, Release

Professional Organizing

Serving North Dakota

Katie Shelkey

Professional Organizer

(701) 390-3058

Homes, Businesses, and more!

  • De-cluttering

  • Sorting

  • Moving/Packing

  • Donation Drop-Off

  • Garages

  • Craft Rooms

  • Kitchens/Pantries

  • Offices

  • Storage Spaces

  • Closets

  • Playrooms

  • Laundry Rooms

  • E-mail Clean-Up

  • Roll-Off Dumpster Coordination

Organizing Process

  • Ready

    Are you ready to make a change by having a functional living or working space? Then you’ve come to the right place!

  • Set

    Together we’ll set intentions for your space, belongings, and clutter. Setting intentions helps SET you up for success.

  • Release

    RELEASE: the final stage. Through this process, you’ll let go of unused/neglected items, unproductive habits, and the negative thoughts behind struggling to keep up. Let’s create peace in your physical and mental space by releasing what’s holding you back.

What People Are Saying:

“Katie was just phenomenal! no suggestions for improvement. I only wish we’d had more time to work together. I never felt judged, especially for wanting to keep some items that might seem silly to others.”

— Discard and Donate Client

“katie is a miracle worker. I’ve been bragging about her. She’s a little powerhouse and just gets it done.”

— Discard and Moving Client

“So professional. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you or where I’d be. I’d probably still be packing.”

— Moving/Packing Client

“The house looks amazing! You did a great job. Thanks so much, Katie!”

— Full Home Organization Project

You can see the floor! It’s never looked this good before....I didn’t even remember I had this toy!
— Kids who rediscovered their playroom


  • A Professional Organizer is different than a cleaner. We spend time with you to understand how you function in your space and how to make it more efficient and effective for your needs. Together, we’ll decide what items can be discarded, donated, kept, or put into storage. After the decluttering stage, we get to work on organizing the items back into your current space.

    Ready: Want to make a change?

    Set: Decide what your intentions are for the space.

    Release: Let go of the stuff an clutter forming habits.

    Let’s get started!

  • YES! I travel across North Dakota to meet my clients. Mileage rates apply, but distance shouldn’t keep you from having an organized space!

  • Are you ready to make a change in your home, but don’t know where to start?

    Take a look at these questions. If you answer YES to any of them, then you could benefit from bringing in a professional organizer.

    -Do you have a room, corner, closet, or drawer that is so packed of stuff and clutter that your feel overwhelmed?

    -Do you struggle to stay on task when cleaning, decluttering, or organzing?

    -Do you have all the space you would need, but you still can’t seem to keep it looking put together?

    -Do you have a room that you just shut the door so you don’t have to look at the mess?

    -Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, ADHD, or other mental health/physical health ailments that prevent you from maintaining your home?

    -Are you overflowing your current space and need help purging your ‘stuff’?

  • NO!

    Please DON’T clean! That’s right, I said DON’T CLEAN your house. It’s best if I can see your home in its “natural state” so we can identify areas of the home you want to focus on and how we can create a functional system that works for you and your family.

  • I don’t have a set hourly rate. Several factors go into determining the estimated cost of a project. Such as: mileage, time, products needed, size of project, and your budget.

    Quotes are FREE!

  • As a social worker, I have seen some of the worst scenarios. So here’s a few things to make you feel better.

    1. I’ve seen some of the worst of the worst. I still don’t judge even the worst of the worst.

    2. Life is busy. It’s okay that your space isn’t where you want it to be. THAT’S why I’m here to HELP!

    3. I assure you, a disorganized space, room, home, or office is more common than you realize.

    4. Insider Secret: I’ve been there myself (messy junk drawer, room, or space). Through the years I’ve found ways to create a spaces and systems that fit my needs. Let me help you find the system that works for you!

  • Most importantly, don’t clean your house. It helps me to understand the areas that are difficult to keep up with and to identify your strengths as well.

    Don’t be afraid to ask questions. No matter the organizer, always ask questions and don’t be afraid to speak up if something doesn’t work for you.

    I’ll ask you to give me a tour of your home (shame closet and all).

    Start thinking about which things you want to get rid of, donate, and keep. Identify the area you want to start with first.

    And MOST IMPORTANTLY. BREATHE!!! I know you’re probably embarrassed, but most organizers get excited about the potential in each project. So say farewell to embarrassment.

Book an appointment.

Click on the calendar to schedule a 30 minute FREE Consultation. Make sure to include your name and phone number! Your information will not be shared with the public!

Check out the podcast I was on! Interviewed by celebrity host, Jill Nicolini!