Focus on what you want to keep in your space, not what you want to throw out of it. Set your intentions and let’s begin the journey together!


  • Customized Packages

    Customized packages are the driving force of my business. Each of you has unique needs and spaces. I want to ensure your investment in this process will meet all your needs and set you up for success.

  • Sit and Sort

    Sit and Sort is ideal for those of you who prefer to be hands on in the organizing process. Maybe you’re someone who does better if you have someone sitting with you while you clean, sort, and organize. I’m here to help and guide you!

  • Digital Organizing

    Digital Organizing includes organizing e-mails, creating a folder system on your computer, or uploading paper files and storing them electronically so you can easily find and access them.

  • Paperwork Organization

    Paperwork overflowing your space? I’ll help you organize your paperwork, develop a filing system, and help you weed out unnecessary papers. I’ll even help you shred the paperwork!

  • Declutter for a move

    Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have before you move or when it’s time to unpack it all? This service is for you! Decluttering, donating, and finding the right home for your belongings in your new space!

  • Estate

    Going through a loved one’s belongings can be difficult. I’m here to help you through the process by taking some of the weight off your shoulders. Estate organizing is also beneficial for those wanting to downsize.